Guangzhou MQ Acoustic Materials Co., Ltd



HomeIndustry NewsAccording to the use of raw materials can also improve the sound insulation effect

According to the use of raw materials can also improve the sound insulation effect


1. The plastering layer can increase the Sound Insulation. The holes and gaps have a great adverse effect on the sound insulation. The fine holes and gaps on the wall will reduce the high frequency sound insulation. As the holes or gaps increase, the high frequency sound insulation will gradually decrease. And affect the expansion of the medium and low frequency. Some lightweight aggregate hollow block walls, due to the existence of a large number of interpenetrating small holes and slits in the block material, the block must be plastered on the wall surface after the masonry is completed (sealed ), otherwise the sound insulation is very low. For example, the wall of a 190mm thick ceramsite hollow block, the sound insulation is less than 20dB when the surface is not plastered, the thickness of the plaster layer is increased to 30mm, the sound insulation of the wall The amount reaches 50dB.

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2. Plates of different materials can avoid "matching" phenomenon. When the wall plate is excited by sound waves for bending vibration, an anastomosis effect will occur in a certain frequency band, forming a sound insulation trough. The frequency of the anastomosis is not only related to the stiffness and surface density of the wallboard, but also increases with the thickness of the panel. Frequency shifting down. Two-layer thin-wall composite wall on both sides of the wall panel, two plates of different thickness or different materials are used to prevent the two plates from simultaneously matching, so that the matching valleys of the two panels are staggered to improve the sound insulation performance of the wall.

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Sound absorption, changing the characteristics of the indoor sound field for the same space. The main function of sound absorption is to absorb the reverberation sound in the room, which does not work for direct sound, that is to say, sound absorption can improve the sound quality, but the effect on noise reduction is not good; and the sound absorbing material is porous and evacuated, and the sound insulation is Density-based;
Sound insulation, relative to the two spaces, the main function of sound insulation is to block the sound from one space to another to prevent noise interference. The specific requirements of the soundproof material are: dense and non-porous, with a large weight.

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However, in general, when noise reduction treatment is carried out, it is combined with suction and sound insulation, that is, noise and indoor noise are transmitted to the outside by sound insulation, and the reverberation sound in the room is adjusted by sound absorption. The envelope structure of the building such as the wall The sound insulation of doors, windows, slabs and roofs directly relates to outdoor traffic, construction and the introduction of noise from neighbors and the noise of factory production equipment, the high noise of indoor noise such as computer rooms and discos, affecting the surrounding environment. Therefore, the building sound insulation material is the technical guarantee for obtaining a quiet sound environment. The low ambient noise in the room is also the basic condition for good sound quality in the room. Sound insulation is to reduce the sound pressure level from the sound source to the destination. From the perspective of initiative, the sound insulation measures Both active and passive; but often passive methods are used-even if the energy is converted to another form of energy.

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